About Us » Our Vision

Our Vision

Park High Entry
We strive to be a school known for its quality of education, its exceptional faculty, and the close interactions between students and faculty.  This school is one that is experienced as a safe haven for our students, and where students feel known and valued.
We strive to be a school that is academically rigorous, while recognizing that each young woman and man brings to us a unique self, with a unique history, capabilities, and interests. 
We strive to be a school where parents have high expectations and unflagging support for their children and are not complacent about mediocre work.  This is demonstrated through communication with your child and teachers and through active involvement in Park High School’s efforts.
Teachers shape the intellectual life of our school.  They know that success is reached when they have pushed each student’s personal boundaries of thinking and learning.  The products then, of our education are young men and women who are intellectually accomplished, curious, critical, confident, self-disciplined, live ethically, and are driven to learn.
Students, when you leave this school on graduation day, you leave as adults.  We challenge you to be full participants in your education so that all doors leading to your future are open to you. As you move through your years here as Park High Rangers, know that with every kind act, every academic task completed, every time you walk into a class ready to think and to learn, and every time you bounce back from a failure or a mistake, you are becoming a strong and successful adult.
Park High School is a community where dialogue is rich, and where, as a school engaged with the community, we are constantly envisioning, creating, and reflecting on how we effectively launch our young women and men into the world and their futures.
The city of Livingston is situated near the Great Bend of the Yellowstone River, where the river turns from flowing north to flowing east, 55 miles from the Northern entrance of Yellowstone Park.  Surrounded by four mountain ranges, this area was traveled 11,000 years ago by the Clovis people, who entered the area by way of the Bering Land Bridge near the end of the last Ice Age.  In his return trip from the Pacific in 1806, Captain William Clark, giving the first written account of the area in a Corp of Discovery  journal entry, described it as the coming together of buffalo roads (Brekke, 2014). The Northern Pacific Railroad Company established Livingston in 1882.  Today, Livingston is a small city of approximately 7,000 residents located in Park County (population 15,500).