Resources » Student Support Team

Student Support Team

If a Park High School student is experiencing difficulties in school, we have a problem-solving process you may want to utilize in order to personalize education and to better meet the individual needs of students. The Student Support Team (SST) process is designed to ensure that students are receiving the services necessary to achieve a high degree of academic, personal, and social success. A SST may include the student, parents or guardians, classroom teachers, counselors, principals, and other specialists.
A parent, student, teacher, counselor, or administrator may call an SST by notifying a counselor or a principal. Typically at meetings, the team identifies problem areas or goals, looks at objective and subjective data, determines solutions, details actions to be taken, and creates a time line for assessing the effectiveness of the steps taken. The SST process continues until the concerns are resolved.  You may contact the School Counselor or Administrator for more information.

Some examples of topics addressed in recent Student Support Team meetings include:

  • Attendance;
  • Adjustment to school;
  • Having difficulties with peers or with a teacher;
  • “D”’s and “F”’s;
  • Trouble with specific content areas;
  • Lack of motivation for or avoidance of school work;
  • Paying attention and organizing work;
  • Physical or emotional health concerns that hurt classroom performance;
  • Credit recovery 
  • Underachievement;
  • Course acceleration, and
  • Limited English proficiency
  • Credit recovery;