Resources » Comprehensive School and Community Treatment

Comprehensive School and Community Treatment

Comprehensive School and Community Treatment (CSCT)
CSCT is a comprehensive service that offers a planned course of support that includes working with a therapist and a behavioral specialist in the school setting.  The school and L’esprit work together to provide supportive services for students.  Supportive services include therapeutic interventions in the school setting and individual, group, and family therapy in a private office in the school.  Students that benefit from the CSCT services are students that struggle with emotional, social, or behavioral challenges in the school or community setting.  The goals of CSCT services are focused on improving the student's functional level by facilitating the development of skills related to exhibiting appropriate behaviors in the school and community setting.  CSCT services encourage family participation and involvement in the treatment of the student.  

What are the benefits of having CSCT staff work with your child?
The therapist and behavioral specialist create a treatment plan with you and your child to help meet the specific needs of your child to help them succeed in the school setting. The CSCT staff work together as a team with your child, the school staff, other service providers that work with your child, and with yourself and/or other family members that you recommend.
​The CSCT therapist is able to address social and emotional issues with your child on a frequent basis through various individual, family, and group sessions. Through the treatment plan, interventions and objectives are created to guide the behavioral specialist in supporting and teaching new behavioral support. 
​What does that mean for you as a parent/guardian if your child is enrolled?
L’esprit and the school work together to help your child succeed in the school setting. Your child will have the support that is available every day in the school setting during school hours. This support will include therapy and behavioral support that offers your child an opportunity to learn new skills to help them manage themselves more effectively in the school and community setting. 
​The CSCT behavioral specialist will work with your child to identify behaviors that inhibit your student from being successful in school.  The focus of the behavioral specialist is to offer supportive redirecting, modeling, and guidance through interventions that help to build positive coping skills and life skills for school, home, and in the community. 
What do CSCT teams need from parents?
We invite parents to be a large part of their child’s treatment plan.  Parents are encouraged to communicate often with both the therapist and the behavioral specialist. The therapist is available for family therapy and to meet with both the child and parent when needed. L’esprit staff recognizes that the parents know their child best and any suggestions and recommendations for their child’s treatment will help ensure success for this child.
The Livingston School District contracts the L'esprit Program for CSCT services.
In order to determine if your child is eligible for services, please contact the therapist or school administrator in your child’s school or call the L'esprit main office at 406-222-7641